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SAMHSA Early Diversion Virtual Learning Community

Ann Tucker

Part 1: Strategies for Addressing Treatment Engagement Challenges with Certain Individuals THURSDAY, MARCH 25th / 1:00-2:00pm CT Many communities face challenges engaging certain individuals in treatment. These individuals cycle through homelessness, incarceration, and crisis services. The question arises, are we speaking of individuals who are resistant to services or services that are resistant to these individuals? While there is no “one size fits all” approach, there are specific strategies, services, and practices that communities have developed to address the support needs of individuals who have difficulty engaging in services. These strategies include care coordination, targeted case management, data-driven responses, motivational interviewing, peer-based responses, and trauma-informed services. Presenters will address multi-faceted approaches to improve individual outcomes and system response. Register here

Part 2: Addressing the Critical Need for Housing and Strategies to Overcome Barriers to Improve Housing Access THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd / 1:00-2:00pm CT

Housing is a critical need for individuals experiencing homelessness who are in crisis and at risk for justice involvement. Services alone cannot address the overwhelming disruption homelessness constitutes to well-being and health. Barriers to accessing housing include criminalization of homelessness, lack of partnership development, funding issues, and myths and realities of housing access. Presenters will address comprehensive strategies to improve housing access, which is key to early diversion. Read more

Part 3: Integrating Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Teams Into Early Diversion Response DATE / TIME TBA Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Teams are well-researched and effective programs for individuals who are justice involved, many of whom experience homelessness and are involved in multiple systems of care and support. Access to FACT teams may be limited due to funding or functional requirements. Presenters will provide an update on FACT research and discuss approaches to funding, criminal justice partnerships, and improving access to FACT services.

Parts 4 & 5 To Be Announced by SAMHSA

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